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[E] Jaalix
[E] Jaalix
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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============= Username: Jaalix When you were banned : 08 Jan 2012 Person who banned you: Zionia Reason you were banned: 'Mass Market Theft' Appeal: It was my second day in the game and I didn't understand how shops worked. I clicked on a shop and saw that the chest had items in it. I placed gold bars in the chest, then clicked the sign, then clicked the chest, and saw stacks of materials. I took the materials out of the chest, thinking that was how it worked. I proceeded to do that for about 6 other chests in the same shop. Looking back on it I believe the chests were bugged and displaying their entire inventory, not my purchases. I apologize for 'stealing' the items, but again, I wasn't sure how it worked. =============
over 13 years ago